Mrs. May's Class

Mrs. May's Class

Gingerbread Man

Run, run, as fast as you can.
You can't catch me,
I'm the Gingerbread Man!
That's what we read at the beginning of each clue that our gingerbread man left behind, as we searched for him high and low all over the school! We finally caught him -- he was waiting for us in the classroom. We decorated him, and then we ate him up!

Christmas in Italy

Orange Pod's Cruise to Italy

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cruise pictures coming soon

Pictures of orange pod's AMAZING "cruise" to Italy will be posted soon! In the mean time, please enjoy looking at some of the charts that helped us prepare for this wonderful educational experience! Thank you for your patience. :-)

Every job is an important one!!!

Dance Party Disco Room


Who wants to help? :)

trip preparations

In preparation for the upcoming "cruise" to Italy, we came up with a list of items we needed to make:

packing our suitcases

Before we packed our suitcases, we used this chart to help explain the difference between things we needed versus things we wanted to take with us on our pretend trip to Italy.

If You Give a Pig a Pancake

Here is our circular story map of
If You Give a Pig a Pancake.

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

We are doing a Laura Numeroff author study!
After reading If You Give a Mouse a Cookie,
we completed this circular story map.

How will we get from Auburn to Italy?

ways to travel in my...

modes of transportation

Flag Venn

The first page of a very brief introductory slide show of Italy was a picture of the nation's flag. The kids' interest spurred this Venn diagram showing similarities and differences in the American flag and the Italian flag.

Italy makes me think of...

We are finally on our way to Italy!!!
To introduce the beautiful country we will be "visiting," I asked the kids to tell me what they think of when they see or hear the word 'Italy.'
This is what they came up with. :)
The next day we looked at a very short slide show that highlighted some major aspects of the country (i.e., there are lots of very old buildings; Italians like to eat pasta; Italy has mountains, beaches, farms, and cities). Of course, we will explore all of these aspects and more once we finally "arrive" in Italy!

Mackenzie read 100 books!!!

Orange Pod's Food Day

This year, the sweet ladies in the AEEC cafeteria have given each pod the opportunity to showcase thier respective themes through food. One day has been given to each pod to create a menu that reflects the pod's theme (i.e., Blue Pod's theme this year is Mexico-- on their food day, we enjoyed authentic Mexican cuisine).  Orange Pod's food day is coming up this Tuesday. Each class in the Orange Pod was asked to create a menu. To help conserve paper, our class decided to deliver the menu via a video presentation. Here it is! :)

April 27, 2012 newsletter



During our Dr. Seuss author study, we read Bartholomew and the Oobleck. Then we made some oobleck of our own! We had so much fun experimenting with this gooey substance! Click on the link to see some of our fun in pictures or watch the videos below!

Oobleck! Slideshow

Wiritng Center

The children are doing some great writing in the writing center! Click on the link to see some pictures of their work!

Writing Center Slideshow

Do you like green eggs and ham?

Green Foods

Today was Dr. Seuss' birthday!
After reading Green Eggs and Ham, we made a list of green foods. :)
Your smart children thought of 22!!

March 2, 2012 newsletter


Leslie Ann and Lucy read 100 books!!!

Aboriginal Cave Drawings

Aborigines used symbols and pictures instead of words to tell stories.
They painted these stories on the walls of caves inside Ayers Rock.
Cooper, Leslie Ann, and Sara drew some stories using these authentic aboriginal symbols.

These sweet children decided to ask the rest of orange pod for help! :)

How We Made Aborigines :)

We decided to make two life-sized aborigines to show people what we are learning about.
Please watch as Leslie Ann and Sara go through the steps they took when making the aborigines.

Aborigine Facts

We have learned SO much about aborigines!
Please watch this video of Cooper reading our web of aborigine facts.

February 24, 2012 newsletter


February 17, 2012 newsletter

SO sorry that this is just now being posted... my blog site was temporarily malfunctioning, and I have been unable to post anything. Thank you for your patience and understanding! :)


February 10, 2012 newsletter


Febuary 3, 2012 newsletter


January 27, 2012 newsletter

01-27 newsletter