Mrs. May's Class

Mrs. May's Class

How will we get from Auburn to Italy?

ways to travel in my...

modes of transportation

Flag Venn

The first page of a very brief introductory slide show of Italy was a picture of the nation's flag. The kids' interest spurred this Venn diagram showing similarities and differences in the American flag and the Italian flag.

Italy makes me think of...

We are finally on our way to Italy!!!
To introduce the beautiful country we will be "visiting," I asked the kids to tell me what they think of when they see or hear the word 'Italy.'
This is what they came up with. :)
The next day we looked at a very short slide show that highlighted some major aspects of the country (i.e., there are lots of very old buildings; Italians like to eat pasta; Italy has mountains, beaches, farms, and cities). Of course, we will explore all of these aspects and more once we finally "arrive" in Italy!